Washburn B-20-8. Now here's an odd bird, a rare 8 string made almost 20 years before Washburn's current line of 8 strings. This one features a mahogany core, neck thru design and a cherry sunburst flame maple top. Picked it up in a pawnshop for peanuts.

If you've never played an 8 string, the best way to describe it would be to imagine the sound of a chainsaw going through chocolate pudding. Hmmm, ok, howzabout a dinosaur eating a car? OK - check out the first 2 King's X records or Cheap Trick's "Heaven Tonight" and you'll get the idea. Incidentally, this bass also made some Dixon Hall appearances when we were doing a Cheap Trick medley of "Surrender", "Everything Works" and "Dream Police".

8 string basses, like their 12 string cousins are often referred to as "The Equalizer" due to their ability to correct attitudinal issues with guitar players. Don't believe me? Bring one to practice one night and check out the look on your guitar player's face when you take over his frequency range. The best part is the lame-ass excuses he'll give you for why you shouldn't play an 8:

"Dude, you'll get carpal tunnel playing that thing!"
"Dude, you'll go broke buying strings for that beast!"
"Dude, anything more than 5 strings, just ain't rock-n-roll..."
"Dude, uh.....why would you......er, uh....it's cool but....uh....duuuuuuuuude...!" get t

I guar-rone-tee your guitar player shows up to next practice with a  6 of your fav brew!
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